Beautiful Infinite Being, your gift of free will is guaranteed!

This is what I know.

Struggle is going against the flow...

For every problem there is a solution…

And for every solution there is an outcome.

And that outcome depends on the path you choose to take.

It is really knowing and understanding your true self…

And what it is YOU really want to experience…

What will bring you true Joy, Love and Happiness…

Then your light will shine with Love, Peace, Joy and Harmony
…and in every area of your life.

Many times in life we settle.

…and the majority of the time we settle making others happy, following the crowd and/or
doing what we think we are suppose to do.

You were given the gift of “free will”…

And this gift guarantees without a shadow of a doubt…

That you can choose what you want to experience…

Be what you really true want to be…

And have what you really want to have…

Many times these obstacles are in our path so we can take a honest look within….

You see, there is really a field of unlimited opportunities…

And many times we have to look and understand that perhaps letting go of some viewpoint, judgment or conclusion that isn’t serving us anymore is needed…

To allow a new picture to come in.

And that new picture may or may not be what others think
it should be.

Claim your space and your power.

And if you know not what your true place is just ask.

Questions opens all of the doors to the Universe.

What would it take to be ____________?
What would it take to have ___________?
How can I turn this around to be better than I could ever imagine?
What would it take to have more love, joy, peace and harmony in my life?
What can I do today that will empower my future tomorrow?
What would it take to bless this situation to the highest good of all?
What are my personal goals, desires and wants?
What would it take to move into the energy of all of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory?

Get really clear on your outcome. What you wish to experience.

And focus on that! Focus on what you truly desire to be and have in your life and not what you do not want.

Energy flows where attention goes…

Most of the time people find that their true self really wants love, joy, peace, harmony and just being in the life flow of abundance.

Nothing to do with physical things or people at all.

Turn your attention within.

And claim your Power back…smiling…

Hey, I’ve been here and done this before….

Sending words of wisdom to you….
….and this is how my coaching program was started…
Right Smack in the middle of the biggest mess I had ever experienced
in my life -> a new and beautiful vision was born…

So trust me on this one!

This thing is going to bless YOU and YOU are going to get a tremendous gift!

Your Gift of Free Will and Your Power of Choice.

The Choice is Yours…giggling…what are you going to do with it?
Extreme Success Now

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Play, Play, Play on the Playground of Love and Light with me!


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