When the will comes in conflict with the imagination, the imagination will always win. Imagination Creates Your Reality!
I found this article I wrote in 2007. This story is powerful in Seeing and Understanding How all of the pieces fall into place in weeks, months and even years and how imagination creates your reality. It is just a matter of being aware of “what” and “how” You are creating your physical world. (Update 11/11/2013. I had not quit my corporate job or left the church at the time this article was written).
1) Every time I wrote a to do list, I wrote “find a partner”, and my conscious mind really
meant a “real estate partner” but my sub-conscious wasn’t listening. When I look over
the past, the one thing I remember vividly in this entire process was hearing the words
playing in the back of my mind of Rhonda Byrne’s on “The Secret” saying “looking for her
perfect partner”.
2) When I was totally confused with all of the messages I was receiving I remembered
reading many times during the Holosync program about how you could possibly start
feeling this way and to at least call their support hotline one time. You must call us and
give us a chance.
I did call the Holosync hotline and I spoke with Katie. What a powerful woman. I wish I
had taped the conversation. I am sure I told her a little bit about myself such as starting
a real estate business and looking for a real estate partner. She said I was releasing
something that didn’t serve me and that it was good. And when I was talking about a partner
she told me to create him. She told me to ask for exactly what I wanted. As I look back I am
very sure she said “create it” instead of “create him” however the words “create him”
are the words that played in the background every day unconsciously.
Geez…if we would only take time to listen to ourselves!
(Update 11/11/2013. I had not quit my corporate job or left the church at the
time this article was written.)
3) At the regional meeting I spoke with a co-worker who also loved Joel Osteen.
I shared with him one of my old stories that I used to tell everyone, that I was waiting
for my “Knight in Shining Armour” to come and take me away from my corporate job.
And one day I realized that I wasn’t taking any action in leaving my corporate job
because that was planted inside of me. This was just casual conversation however
when I said it out loud it started up those feelings again of “having someone to love and
cherish.” So when you add that story to all of my thoughts and actions mentioned above
it just magnified the creation.
4) Although most of the time I keep the attraction thing “looking for someone” on neutral
because that can be done without thought. I have the ability to turn it on and off. I am
very good at this and I have done it for years. After two divorces I was sure I wanted a
better plan for picking men and relationships. I have never experienced the “attraction
thing” coming on without knowing it or lack of attention is a better concept considering
my long work hours every week with my JOB.
I know this is where Holosync played a part because as I was accustomed to focusing
on a few things in meditation, Holosync tells you to let your mind wander where ever
it wants to go unlike the traditional mediation. So with the attraction thing
unknowingly turned “on” I built a mountain with my thoughts and feelings during my
quite times.
Even as I write this I am choosing my words carefully. Kathryn said the energy level is
high and I am experiencing this many times a day to be true. I wrote in my multitasking
shortcuts email to my co-workers a line stating that I pull a few weeds daily from
my landscaping to eliminate spending many hours at a time. I had a conversation with
a friend about completing things, and when we spoke about my landscaping needing an
overhaul I told him that wasn’t going to happen because I would just hire someone to do it.
I went to a festival at a local park with the grandchildren. The parking for the event
was a good distance away and they had a small bus taking everyone back and forth to
the parking lots. The lot was probably a 10 minute walk and I walked to the festival.
When I was ready to leave, the bus was parked there and I got on. Even as I was
walking up the steps on the bus I couldn’t understand why I was getting on the bus
since I am so BIG on exercise. I was headed to Christian’s game at 8:00 PM and I
wanted to stop at the house before I went to the football field so I told myself I was
doing it to save time.
On this bus I met Phil. I was sitting by the window and the seat next to me was available.
He was funny and made me laugh. As we spoke we discovered we had a lot of
things in common and the conversation was good. He has always had his own business
and it was “landscaping”.
So oops, even as I was speaking to him I was thinking “no surprise to me you are in
landscaping”. So several phone calls within the week and we had a date and met for
So let’s go to the regional meeting where I met Robert. Robert and I had a lot in
common also. There was electricity in the air. Even as we forced ourselves to mingle
with the others in the crowd we were still connected across the room. After
the meeting Robert and I communicated through email. We still do however it is
a lot less since I turned the attraction thing back off again.
Out of the blue one morning at church I saw a very handsome man starring at me.
I allowed myself to play the stare game a few seconds before I turned away. This
became very powerful within the next few weeks. I started leaving a few minutes
early on Sunday morning so I could create the chance to see him again. Four Sunday’s
to be exact. “giggle” It took me that long to figure it out what was happening. Some of
his actions would be very obvious such as walking through a door and stopping dead,
turning around and walking towards me to talk.
Once when I was working at the kiosk, he saw me and started walking through the crowd
towards me. Of course I checked his hand previously and I saw no ring. The lobby was
crowded this particular day. However I still saw the ring roll across the floor through the
crowd. I cautiously watched him bend over, pick it up, and slide his left hand into his pant
pocket and continued walking through the crowd towards me.
Well, at least he gave me a reason to get rid of him. Laugh out Loud!
Anyway, now I have accumulated the man at church, Phil and Robert in a matter of weeks.
All occupied different time spaces. The man at church is church time, Phil is phone time, and
Robert is email time. So what do you think my thoughts were about all day long?
Him? Them? All of them?
I found myself having lots of fun at night when I would lay down to go to sleep.
In my vision I created this handsome, loving, caring, kind, funny, motivated, inspiring,
and fun guy to take this journey with. We both worked very long hours at our corporate jobs
so we went away for a vacation in the mountains. His family owned a cabin there and
it was oh so much fun.
The wood burning fireplace in the front room kept the cabin warm in the daytime.
When the sun went down in the evenings the little fireplace wasn’t enough to get
the cabin warm.We then would move to the back bedroom which had an electric
heater. The TV was on but neither of us were watching it. I was sitting on the bed
doing my nails and he had dashed (it was very cold) back to the kitchen to get
us something to eat. The room was all warm and cozy. I felt so loved and well
taken care of.
This same scenario played every night as soon as I went to bed. I hadn’t allowed
myself in many years to even think about dating. But I was sure having fun with this.
Every day when I would work my real estate business I would try to stay focused on
real estate. I would go through all of the motions, scanning the newspaper, making
the phone calls and even making a lot of progress. But, so here’s the “but”, my thoughts
were running in the back ground about him, them and all of the guys who had magically
appeared into my life.
The feelings accompanied those thoughts too. The DVD playing inside of me was about
all of the things Robert said to me, our conversations, the emails, and the phone calls.
SO silently in the background –
– my imagination, which included my thoughts and my feelings, were playing the movie
of “finding a partner”, my “Knight in Shinning Armour”, “create him”, “to love and to be loved”,
and ”looking for the perfect partner”.
So you might as well get a bag of popcorn and take a seat in this movie theater.
giggle giggle Because I was attracting partners….not business partners.
So I turned the partner thing off once I realized what was going on and they all went away,
some a little quieter than others.
LOL I spent 6 weeks on the “Dating Game” before I realized what was going on.
So when the will comes in conflict with the imagination, the imagination always wins.
I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what was going on or what I could do about it.
I was centered, positive, happy and loved life but instead of things getting better
they just kept getting worse. My paychecks were shrinking so small I could barely pay
my utilities.
Finally I had to let the gas company go. It was summertime so the air conditioner was
electric so it only meant no hot water. Well, cold showers!
Every week management would tell us that business was picking up so we kept expecting
to get back into the money flow soon. Pay period after pay period went by and no change.
As we went into October it was getting to cold to stay in the house. Gas still turned off
in which the furnace needed so there was no heat. I decided to go see if I could purchase
an electric heater. I had no clue how much one would cost or even where I could find
one but I was definitely determined that’s for sure.
I found one for $80 and let it run in the kitchen and worked from the kitchen table.
Heat rises so the upstairs was actually warmer than downstairs and I was very
satisfied with what I had accomplished.
Until one Sunday morning it was around 20 degrees! WHOA! I couldn’t walk through
the house without a coat and shoes it was so cold. I grabbed the heater and took it up
to my bedroom and closed the door hoping to at least keep one room warm enough to
stay in.
Not a lot to do locked in your own bedroom all day. There was a western on the TV
so I left it on and decided it could be a spa day. I went and got everything I needed to
do my nails.
When I was almost finished with my nails…
It hit me!
… here I was in my bedroom, electric heater running to keep the
room warm, sitting on the bed doing my nails, the rest of the house to cold to walk
into, TV running in the background…
Here’s my yummy visualization I was experiencing every night –
The wood burning fireplace in the front room kept the cabin warm in the daytime.
When the sun went down in the evenings the little fireplace wasn’t enough to get
the cabin warm.We then would move to the back bedroom which had an electric
heater. The TV was on but neither of us were watching it. I was sitting on the bed
doing my nails and he had dashed (it was very cold) back to the kitchen to get
us something to eat. The room was all warm and cozy. I felt so loved and well
taken care of.
Here’s my experience –
… here I was in my bedroom, electric heater running to keep the
room warm, sitting on the bed doing my nails, the rest of the house to cold to walk
into, TV running in the background…
The same exact dream I was having fun playing with for many months except
I was missing my man. Oh yea, I turned that attraction off because I wasn’t looking
for a relationship and I guess since the cabin came with the man the next best
experience was my bedroom.
So once again folks, I say create from ABUNDANCE and not lack of…giggling
Imagination creates your reality…smiling
Have Fun With This One!…silliness…
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