Pure, sweet, kind, tender, passionate and unconditional love. Need I say more…
When I started this journey I started with self. This was very strange at the beginning since we were taught to love everyone else first. It was the phrase “love they neighbor as thy self” that stirred up my curiosity…laughing now because I could see I sure didn’t love my neighbors very much. Once I opened the door to send love to my neighborhood and I realized I had forgotten what love really felt like.
Eventually, and it did take some time, I was able to see beautiful me and my dear beautiful spirit within. What a gift we have within and were never aware of it. This Spirit, this connection is so sweet , supportive, kind, generous, brilliant, incredible, amazing, giving, and unconditional love always…smiling
Are you curious to how this all works? Well here at Conscious Females (Males also welcome) we are going to bring out the best in everyone and I promise it will be so much fun…:)
Join me on this magical journey here:
Play, Play, Play on the Playground of Love and Light with me!