The Truth About Life

The other day I started thinking about all of the things I have accomplished…

All of the skills I have acquired…
All of the wisdom…
All of the knowledge…

The Truth! Once again I asked this question. What is the truth about life?
…and I was taken down this path.

If you remove all of the meaning and significance from
all of the words we use…they mean nothing…

Then all you have is “Nothing”!

…and this little technique although you have to remind
yourself to do it will literally get you out of your own way
immediately if you can follow what I am saying…

Words have no meaning by removing the significance attached to them.

“Nothing” exists Right Here at this Point…
….Until You Start Creating…smiling

So NOW is all there IS…

…and literally at this point of Nothing and Now

…there are NO false beliefs, judgments and conclusions…

There is only YOU with NOTHING and NOW…

And an amazing place to create from…

What FREEDOM there is HERE because…

ALL there is, is YOU!

Amazing Beautiful YOU!

How cool is that? What Else Is Possible In The Infinite Field of Magic and Miracles?

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