Happy Valentine’s Day
Celebrating Our 15 Year Anniversary Online
Phenomenal Love Process only $397

Catch the Wave of Love Singles Now!

Better Than Online Dating Sites!

Could February 2025 Be Your Best Month Ever?

Phenomenal Love Soul Mate
“Attract your Loving Partner in 2 weeks or less!”
                         (We’ve been online since 2010)

                             “Are YOU Willing and Ready to Allow the Phenomenal
Process to Work for YOU and Your Ideal Loving Partner Today?”


What if You Made a Definite Decision to Have the Love
You Truly Desire Right Now February 2025?

… and You Meet Your Loving Partner Within 2 Weeks or Less from Today?

Are YOU Ready for a Loving Partner?

If so, keep reading. 

What Is the Phenomenal Love Process?

The Phenomenal Love Process is a High Vibration of Love Energy That Irresistibly Brings YOU and Your Loving Partner Together Energetically Like a Magnet!

What this means to you is:
YOU Can CHANGE Your Status from Being Single to “IN A RELATIONSHIP” NOW!

Keep reading to See How…

Right now, as you read this, there are people just like YOU…looking for a loving relationship, someone to spend their life with.

Your Real Law Of Attraction Dating Site!

 Are YOU Really Ready For Love?

Single Men and Single Women
The Phenomenal Love Process
Is For You If:

  • You Want To Go Out and have fun on dates
  • You Want To Find Love
  • You Want To Have Dates and be in the dating game
  • You Want To Be with your love, your loving partner
  • You are looking for that Spiritual Love or your Soul Mate
  • You Want To Share Your Love and Your Life with someone

Or You Have Given Up…

  • On Dating
  • On Dating Sites
  • On Dating and Relationships
  • On Online Dating Sites
  • Finding Love
  • Being In Love
  • Because it has been a long time since you have been in a relationship
  • Because You think You are too old

If Your Answer is YES to Any of Those Questions

Then The Phenomenal Love Process is for You!

Hi and Welcome! My name is Vivian and I am the creator of the Phenomenal Love Process for Single Women and Single Men. I am a Professional Life and Business Coach and my expertise is in the Power of Now. ENERGY!

I realize most people find it hard to believe that an energy process can attract and draw into their lives dating, fun, and a loving relationship but that is what the Phenomenal Love Process does. And it’s OK if you do not understand how it works. I have no clue how cars are made however I buy them with trust and knowing they will take me where I want to go. The same with computers. They work and I connect all over the world.

Trust me, I know the world of energy! 🙂 (See testimonies below.)

The Phenomenal Love Process Works whether you believe it to be true or not and it works Every Single Time!

I am a Power Of Now Energy Consultant in the MOMENT and this L♥ve process I discovered many years ago works and works every time. It works for everyone and it doesn’t matter where you live, who you are, or even your age. Everything is Energy and there are no judgments or limitations in the field of dating and love which is why I can do that for you.

…and you do nothing at all. No Feng Shui, No Vision Boards, No Videos To Watch, And No Books To Download. All you do is go about your day as normal.

This may be your first time on my site and if so, I want to say Welcome. You will enjoy reading the testimonies and trust me there are many more that are not posted. Great stories come in every day. Hey, even my family and friends don’t understand the Phenomenal Love Process however they enjoy the outcome. “You know, this may sound funny, but I love the way he loves me!”

You see, I have actually experienced many of those online dating sites myself.

And by the way, there are NO free winks or free hi’s on this site.

You actually receive what you pay for.

A loving partner!

I am talking about being with your loving partner easily, effortlessly, very quickly, and in total synchronicity

Plain and Simple! How cool is that?

  • You will want to use the Phenomenal Love Process:
  • If you want to date or start dating AGAIN
  • If you want to get back into the dating game 
  • If you want to FIND/ATTRACT love
  • If you want to be in a loving relationship
  • If you are looking for a long-term relationship
  • If you are looking for marriage
  • If you are fed up with online dating sites not producing

and MOST IMPORTANTLY…YOU know Deep Down in Your Heart YOU want Somebody to Love and Be Loved Back.

Then the Phenomenal Love Process is for You!

Thank You so much for visiting my site!

If your desire is Really Finding that Special Loved One then Take me up on my Offer below.

I would love to assist you in bringing your loving partner that delights your soul and tickles your heart into your life Right Now!

Phenomenal Love Attract Love NowThe other day I decided to email a friend of mine who purchased the Phenomenal Love Process to see how things were going.

…and his response was ==>>”all good- getting married ! Thank You so much!”

If you would like to know more about the Phenomenal Love Process or Purchase a Gift Certificate for a Love One Contact Me using the contact form at the top of the page.

Most people experience contacts and dating the first week and definitely within the first two weeks. It is the vibration, the energy level that has changed that allows for everyone to experience their desire for love and dating. ♥♥♥

Phenomenally Loving Everyone!     Have Fun on My Site! ~Vivian~

Here’s How to Have Dates and Have the Kind
Of Loving Relationship, You Have Always Wanted.

And it Doesn’t Matter Who You Are,
What Your Age Is, or Where You Live!

 With The Phenomenal Love Process, You Do Nothing!
I do all of the work for you energetically.
It Works and it Works Every Time!


my goodness! 
Three men have contacted me in the last two days from Spiritual Singles
…undeniable energy moving in that part of my life where there has
been almost none for years!
thank you! ~ Ellen


Right now, as you read this, there are people just like YOU…
looking for a loving relationship.
A loving partner to spend their life with.

What the Phenomenal Love Process does
is bring You and Your lover, Your Loving Partner
Together Energetically.

Phenomenal Love Process Is for You If You Say Yes
to Any of the Questions Below:

  • Are You tired of spending your nights and days alone?
  • Have You have given up on the dating game and not found someone you can really connect with?
  • Have You given up on finding a loving relationship, someone to spend your life with?
  • Do You desire to share your life, your hopes, and dreams with a loving partner?
  • Do You think you are too old to find someone to love and be with now?
  • Do You think it is impossible to meet someone?
  • Do You desire to be in a loving relationship and share your life with someone? 

The Phenomenal Love Process is a High Vibration of Love Energy Energy that opens the doors and allows your love, your loving relationship, your loving partner, your
love, and your relationship to be in your presence, in your life.

People everywhere who have experienced The Phenomenal Love Process are NOW in loving relationships they truly enjoy.


“You know, this may sound funny, but I love the way he loves me!”


Phenomenal Love Process for Single Men and Single Women Love and Relationships Works!…and it Works Every time!

Chances are you have been looking for love in all of the wrong places. 🙂
LOOK No More.
You Really Can Buy Lve Here. 🙂

If you are looking to find love and a relationship you have come to the Right Place!


Is it REALLY Possible To Meet Someone Even If I Haven’t Dated For Years? YES!

Her Experience Started The First Week ~

my goodness!

Three men have contacted me in the last two days from Spiritual Singles…undeniable energy moving in that part of my life where there has been almost none for years!

thank you! ~ 


Does it work? You bet! ♥♥♥

His Experience Started The Second Day~

Dear Lovely $Vivian$ We have finally come up for air and switching realities. It is a match made in Heaven…….Heaven…Heaven…Heaven..What else can I say. It feels like I have finally come home…


Our receiving in ALL areas of our live$ has truly expanded. What I am experiencing and feeling will flow through to you al$o…. as we are all ONE. May all the Ble$$ings of Heaven flow to you also. It IS better than I could ever have imagined. We are so connected on every level.

His Experience Started The Second Week~

Well, call it magic. Within the month of the Phenomenal Love Process I met a wonderful woman! – 


“I would like to say that Vivian and her Love Process are both Phenomenal!…Thank you so much!”

Her Experience Started The First Week~

“I met an amazing man!”


His Experience Started The First Week~

“Hi Vivian, I never thought this was possible. I know
I waited a while to email you but I wanted to wait and see
if it turned out to be anything. After so many years of
being alone, I had a lot of doubt. I have met this beautiful
lady and every day keeps blossoming. It has been a real
breath of fresh air and newness being with someone who
you can talk with, laugh with, goes places with and enjoy
their company! I think maybe that might have to do with
the statement “I am stopping and smelling the roses”.
Thank you so much for telling me to give it a try.

Phenomenal Love Changed My Life And It Can Change Yours!

Click Buy Now for One Month of the Phenomenal Love Process
and Get Your Dating & Love Process Started Today!

Are YOU Really Ready for Love?
Phenomenal Love Process!

Incredible! Only $997 $397

(Once I receive your payment your Phenomenal Love Process starts and you will receive a Welcome To Phenomenal Love Process email from me with all of the details.)

                                                                                             How Does the Phenomenal Love Process Work?

How Do I Participate?

Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Select Buy Now for $997 only $397 for the one-month option.

After your payment is processed you will receive an email from me with all of your details.  Make sure you check your inbox and verify your email address. After verification, you will receive your Welcome to Phenomenal Love Process email from me.

Notice…you do NOT have to do anything at all!

I do all of the work energetically for You with my Phenomenal Love Energy Process and you will be notified that your Phenomenal Love Process has started.

That’s it and it is really that simple. I start your Phenomenal Love Process Immediately.

Most people experience contacts and dating the first week and definitely within the first two weeks. It is the vibration, the energy level that has changed that allows everyone to experience their desire for love and dating. ♥♥♥


The Phenomenal Love Process clears out old stuck energy and opens the pathways to receiving love, dating, and many other beautiful experiences! It works every time and better than anyone could ever imagine!

I am the creator of the Phenomenal Love Process. I know it works and it works every time which is why I can back it up with a 100% guarantee that it will work for you.

Love is an extremely high vibration and it doesn’t matter where you are located or who you are. You can live anywhere in the world and the Phenomenal Love Process will work for You! Guaranteed!

This Phenomenal Love Energy Process opens doors and allows your love relationship, true love, your mate, your perfect partner or whatever you choose…because indeed you are the creator of your life…to be irresistibly drawn to you. You just go on about your day and allow all of the pieces to fall into place for you. Just know you will be guided and blessed every step of the way…How cool is that? What else is possible?

It is so delightful to hear about beautiful love stories….and I can’t wait to hear your love and relationship story!

His Experience Started The First Day~

Thank you for all of this. So i got a date. I have to fly out… But i gotta date!

Lucky In Love
How Much Does It Cost?

Everything is energy and this Love Energy Process I use opens doors, opens your heart, and allows you to move joyfully through the experience…And the best part is you do not have to do anything at all. I do all of the work. The price is not $3997.  Incredible Offer Only $397 for 1 month. Pretty cool huh?

Imagine never being alone again. 🙂

The New You! Your New Love!
One Month Phenomenal Love Process $397

Invest in Yourself. You are
a better investment than an iPhone!

It will be the Best Darn Investment of Your Life.

…and works much faster and cheaper than most dating sites…just saying…smiling…:)

…and it eliminates all of those so-called programs of “calling in your mate” and “how to attract your mate”. That stuff is so old and is harder than crap to put together.

His Experience Started The 2nd Week~
…and his response was ==>>”all good- getting married! Thank You so much.

So What’s It Gonna BE for YOU?

Are You Ready For L♥ve?

Are You Willing and Ready To Allow the Phenomenal Love
Process To Work For You as Your Ideal Loving Partner?

Click Buy Now For One Month of The Phenomenal Love Process

It’s a Special For L O V E
And Trust Me! It Will Work For You. It Works For Everyone!


The Phenomenal Love Process is so powerful in all areas of your life

It happens all of the time. Someone purchases Phenomenal Love and they find love, marriage, new job, new opportunity, new money and they move into their new reality. Two weeks is the magic number for beautiful new things to show up in your life.

I invite you to take me up on my offer for one month of the Phenomenal Love Process at $397 for Love and even greater…

Puneet Mehrotra who runs Bright Miracles Coaching for Awesome Relationships had this to say to his group.

P.S. Phenomenal Love Process is very powerful. Before posting about it on BrightMiracles.com Vivian made me go through the experience. The coincidences that happened were simply mind-boggling. I recommend it. ~ Editor

Why so cheap?

I discounted and lowered the price on the site from $997 to $397 as a Gift to all of the Single Men and Single Women living alone in the world who desire to be in love and loved by their special someone.

I want everyone to have the opportunity to experience the beautiful Phenomenal Love vibration…smiling…I am not going to tell you the price is going up and you better grab it now while the price is low. Why? Because I suck at being normal and the normal marketing scam that makes you push the button.

I am making it easy for you to say Yes! One Month of the Phenomenal Love Process (4 weeks) Special Just for You at $397!

If you Want Dating and L♥ve NOW…it is here RIGHT NOW in this
Present Moment. 

Are You Willing To Invest In Your Future?

Imagine Never Spending Another Night Alone Again… :)

Click Buy Now To Start Changing Your Future!
You Deserve It!

Special From Phenomenal Love!
Only $397 for One Month. 

Click Buy Now To Start The Phenomenal Love Process
Working For You!

I know if You are still Reading This You Want DATING AND A LOVING RELATIONSHIP!


I have one Space just for YOU as a New PHENOMENAL LOVE Client.
(There is only one of me and 5 is the limit!)


 Happy Dating & Phenomenal Love!
 Big Savings Too!

This Phenomenal Love Process Special is available for 1 Month $397 with my Ble$$ing$!

Click Buy Now To Purchase The Phenomenal Love Process.




Official PayPal Seal



Still Thinking About It?


For Only $397


Happy Dating and LOVE!


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